Posted on June 16, 2020June 16, 2020 by userGSA Auctions Hand Tools and Shop Equipment Update . CHRISTIE BATTERY SERVICING UNIT 06/16/2020 04:41 PM EDT CURRENT BID: $25 STATE: TX NO. OF BIDDERS: 0 CLOSE TIME: 06-23-2020 02:41 PM CT. Christie Battery Servicing Unit, Model:RF80-K, SN:10R3170GA. (707D3201277454) Usable 707D3201277454 AIR FLOW METER KIT 06/16/2020 04:31 PM EDT CURRENT BID: $25 STATE: TX NO. OF BIDDERS: 0 CLOSE TIME: 06-23-2020 02:31 PM CT. Pages: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 Post navigation Previous PostPrevious GSA Auctions Aircraft and Aircraft Parts UpdateNext PostNext GSA Auctions Communication Equipment Update